Jason Rodriguez, Sixth grade, Houston East End Greenbelt
GreenSchools! Green Ambassador - Jackson Middle School
It’s an amazing experience to be here in Washington D.C. at
the 2015 Environmental Justice Conference and to talk in front of hundreds of
people! It’s not easy to talk, but since I spoke from what’s in my heart, I am
happy about my speech. I know everything went well, I think they felt what I
meant. After I was done talking, I was interviewed by people. Yeah...I am a
kid, but I am never too small to make a difference! : ) Then people
started talking to me and asking
questions... like how it makes me feel to work in my community. But, I
say...it’s what my heart desires, and that I aim to always go forward, not the
past but the future. I am
Thankful for the U.S. Forest Service, and the Friends of the
National Forests and Grasslands in Texas -Latino Legacy and my principal for
giving me this opportunity to talk to leaders about what’s going on in the
community that I live. To share with other communities that are going through
the same struggle. Also to be careful of bad foods we eat and the bad habits we
may have by eating unhealthy fast foods. To advocate to pick organic/fresh
foods and not the process food from our local stores. You can grow your own
food in your backyard and share them with your neighbors. You may also create a
business selling organic foods to your neighbors or start community gardens to
restore our nation’s health and teach others not to eat empty calories. In the
East End, we planted over a hundred fruit trees, we want our community to
harvest fruit and to lend a hand and care for the land. We are happy to be able
to work as a team and hope you join us! :)
A few Houston East End Greenbelt Green Ambassadors in front of the U.S. Forest Service Building March 2015.